Miso-Rye English Muffins #Baketogether

Yeah, yeah, another Miso-Rye recipe. Get over it.

Miso-Rye English Muffins (adapted from Abby Dodge’s Whole Wheat Honey EM)
Makes 8 big muffins

For the English muffins

2 1/4 cups all purpose flour + extra for dusting
3/4 cup rye flour
1 package instant yeast (a scant tablespoon for those you who buy in bulk)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon malted milk powder (optional)
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon caraway seed (optional)
1/3 cup + 1 Tablespoon water (see note)
1/4 miso (red or white, low sodium if possible)
2/3 cup milk
2 tablespoons honey
Cornmeal for dusting
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) unsalted butter, at room temperature

Make the dough
1.    In a large bowl of electric stand mixer, combine the all purpose flour, rye flour, yeast, baking powder, caraway if using and salt and whisk until well blended. Clip the bowl into the mixer stand and fit the mixer with the dough hook.

2.   Heat the water and milk until very hot but not boiling. (I do this in a Pyrex measure in the microwave but a small pan on the stovetop will also work). Stir in the honey and miso. Mix until thoroughly combined. Check the temperature using an instant-read thermometer. For the yeast to activate, the liquids need be between 120°F and 130°F degrees (I shoot for 125°F).

3.  With mixer on medium speed, slowly pour the liquid into the flour mixture. Mix until the flour is completely incorporated, scraping down the sides of the bowl once or twice. Increase the speed to medium-high and beat until the dough is smooth and pulls away from the bottom and sides of the bowl, about 10 minutes. Stay close while it’s mixing as the mixer might dance around on the counter.
4.   Scoop up the dough and shape it into a ball, lightly flouring your hands. The dough will be sticky but resist the urge to add too much flour. Lightly grease the bottom and sides of the mixing bowl and pop the dough, rounded side up, back into the bowl. Cover the top securely with plastic wrap or a plate.  Let the covered dough rise in a warm spot until doubled in size, about 45 to 60 minutes.
5.   Sprinkle an even layer of cornmeal over a cookie sheet or half sheet pan. Turn the dough out onto a very lightly floured work surface (the dough is sticky but use the least amount of flour as possible) and gently press to deflate. Using a bench scraper or knife, divide the dough into 8 even pieces (4 1/2 ounces each).  Shape the dough into a round balls (about the size of a blood orange) making sure the top is smooth and there is one seam on the bottom. Again, use very little flour. Arrange about 2-inches apart on the cornmeal-lined baking sheet and gently press down on each, lightly flouring your hands as needed, until they are about 3-4 inches in diameter and about 1/2 inch thick.  Lightly spray the tops of the dough with oil (I used olive), cover loosely and let the dough rise, in a warm spot until doubled in size, about 25 to 40 minutes. I covered mine with a kitchen towel.
Cook the muffins
6.   Heat a griddle to medium heat. Brush or spread the butter evenly over the griddle (it will sizzle). Carefully lift the muffins, one at a time, and gently place, cornmeal side down, on the hot griddle, about 2-inches apart, so as not to deflate the dough. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook until the bottom is well browned (reduce the heat if they are browning too quickly) and the sides look dull and a bit dry, about 10-15 minutes. Using a spatula, carefully turn the muffins over, reduce the heat to low, and continue to cook until the bottom is browned and the muffins sound hollow when gently tapped,  about 10 to 15 minutes. Mine took a good 30 minutes total, maybe a little longer. They will deflate a little when you turn them.

7.   Remove the muffins from the griddle and set them on a wire rack and let cool until warm or cool completely before stowing in an air tight container for up to 3 days (they also freeze nicely). The muffins are best when served toasted. Using a fork (you can use a serrated knife but your muffin will lose is crumble-topped texture), split the muffins in half, toast and serve immediately with butter, honey or nut butter. Some people don’t like this flavor combinations with jam, some do.

Scott’s Notes: Although thoroughly cooked I found them a little on the gummy side when I toasted them. Next time I’ll cut down on the water a little. Fork split they did have nice “nooks and crannies” as they say. I forgot the malt powder, but I think it would be a good addition. It adds depth of flavor in the miso-rye bread I make. Abby makes 6 out of this recipe. She calls them big, I’d say enormous. I made 8 and they were still pretty big. Abby also had flour weights. Sorry I didn’t weigh the ingredients. I didn’t use caraway, but it would be a good addition as Abby pointed out.

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