I should mention we have lots of texting in between about mundane things, like the HOA replacing my water heater. It wasn’t broken, but they replace them based on age.
August 6 – We all go out to a BBQ place here in Walnut Creek called Sauced. Howard had been before and really liked it. The food was all good but the raucous atmosphere made it hard for mom to converse much. We were also seated somewhat near the axe throwing booths. We said we’d go back, but alas we never did.
We text about him joining Medicare and Grace & Frankie. He’s watched it and I just started. Jane has had more work done and it doesn’t look natural.
He tells me to go look at the moon.
I get a notification about roadside assistance from Geico. It’s still a mystery why I get the notifications. He had a screw in a tire.
Reading all these seemingly mundane exchanges reminds me of our connection.
He invites us to go to the movies to see Respect, but I have bread to bake and mom has a UTI. We ultimately watch it on demand here after dinner one night.
September 3 – he comes over for tri-tip.
Our texts about shows and streaming services we share is frequent. I start and stop services for specific shows to try and keep total costs down. He does share his Paramount+.
A friend has Covid.
September 18 – It’s Golden Palace again. Mom and I went just last Friday night. It still makes me sad every time we go. There was a 3.2 Earthquake in San Ramon. Mom & Howard didn’t feel it. I did.
September 25 – Out to dinner again. This time trying Tiki Tom’s here in Walnut Creek. It’s the time of Covid that proof of vaccination is required in restaurants. They never ask. Few in the place are wearing them. The food was only OK and we said we had no reason to return. It’s more of a bar with food than restaurant.
September 26 – I drop off bagels I made. He’s not home.
A funny malaprop, which Howard was famous for, happens in text. He tells me to watch American Horror Story Impeachment. Well it’s American Crime Story. LOL. His most famous malaprop was in Palo Alto at Sharon & Janet’s place. He was caught in a malaprop and everyone was having a good laugh when he said “Yes, I’m just Miss Melonprop.” Further hysterical laughter.
September 30 – We have a conversation about how his condo isn’t selling. It ends with him saying “Guess u have to die to get out…lol”. That shook me to the core reading it after reconstructing our text thread.
October 13 – he drives to Palm Springs to visit friends. Later he would confess that the drive down was awful as he was anxious about the semi trucks the whole way. He stopped 5 times. He asks me to fly down and drive him back. I tell him I can’t really. He had been off his anxiety meds for a while. He comes up with several options, but in the end Jason drives him home.
Bobby makes him watch the “Worriers game”. LOL.
October 29 – Mom & I take him to dinner at Pacific Catch in Walnut Creek to celebrate his birthday since he was in Palm Springs for the actual day. It wasn’t the best and marred by the fact we got charged for an item they never brought us.
November 3 – Golden Palace dinner again. His newish neighbor Stephanie joins us. I forget to bring the pesto I made to share with them. He always found time to come over and pick up food items. This was no exception.
November 17 – he feels a 4.1 Earthquake centered in San Ramon. I was driving and didn’t. When I get home Mom tells me she did.
November 18 – we attend the Rossmoor Gay Men’s Club Thanksgiving. We sit separately to not appear as a couple. We do meet some new people. 
November 25 – He works in the morning and we have dinner around 3:00. There was turkey, creamed onion, brussels sprouts with pancetta, and a chocolate pecan pie.
After we watch The National Dog Show. It’s a tradition we started many years ago. I did it last year still.
December 3 – Golden Palace again
December 13 – he brags about buying and installing a wifi printer all by himself. I am proud actually. It is an accomplishment.
December 23 – Joan Didion died. He knew I liked her. Little did I I would re-read her book again so soon. We also drive all around Walnut Creek and Concord to see Christmas lights. I had found an article with a list of the best houses/streets. It really was fun.
December 25 – Xmas dinner. Once again another dinner and we didn’t take any selfies. But I have food shots. Creamed onions again. They were one of his favorites.